Saturday, January 29, 2011

Thank You's and Before & During Pics

   I want to start off saying thank you to everyone that came to my blog. Those that left messages, followed me, and even those that didn't do either of those. It is nice to know that people at least looked at it. :) 

   Now, on to the pictures. I don't have any after pictures since I haven't reached my goal yet. So right now I have before and during pictures. 

   I have looked through my pics and hate all of them, especially the ones from a year ago. I was tempted to not post any but then thought that isn't fair. It isn't fair to the people that come here looking for someone they can relate to. It isn't fair if I hold back something simply because I don't like the way I look in it. 

   While going through the pictures I couldn't believe how big I had gotten. Don't get me wrong, I knew I was fat. It was impossible to not know, I just didn't realize it was as bad as it was. is a before pic, taken Christmas 2009. Not sure my exact weight but it was close to 250. 
   This would be sometime mid July 2010, right after I started dating my boyfriend. I'm not sure about my exact weight. I'm going to guys somewhere between 200-215 but am not positive.  Sorry my eyes were closed in the last pic..that seemed to be the theme that day. lol! 

   These are some of the more recent pictures I have, from a month or two. I was between 190 and 196 in these. New pictures wouldn't be much different since I'm only down to 188 right now. I kind of stalled over Christmas and this month.  


  1. Congrats on your weight loss so far; I can really see the dif in your face. Best of luck to you!

  2. you are looking great! i left you a present on ma blog :))
